What We Do
Community Environmental Strategies
Click on each image for more information on our service areas:
We work in four main service areas to plan, study, assess, and monitor impacts on the social and cultural environment. This may include identifying impacts on Indigenous rights, local historic features, culture, socio-economic conditions, community health and well-being, and land use patterns as a result of direct or in-direct changes from a project, plan or activities on climate, air and water quality, plant, aquatic and wildlife conditions, and natural aesthetic characteristics.
Communities can start anywhere in the impact assessment cycle to answer:
What do we want to achieve in future and how will we get there? Using plan and policy development to outline strategies for achieving objectives.
Where are we now? Using study, research, and training methods to establish community baselines and profiles.
What impacts are expected and how will we address the effects? Using strategies to assess, including Indigenous-led impact assessments, anticipated effects are identified and mitigation, enhancement, or accommodation measures are developed.
What impacts are occurring to the social and cultural environments due to development projects? Using strategies to monitor, including Indigenous guardianship and stewardship, changes to environmental conditions are confirmed and managed to facilitate responses.
To see the services we offer in French, click here